Sometimes you wake up and you just don’t feel like doing it.

You don’t feel like working out or cleaning the house. You don’t feel like going to the grocery store. You don’t feel like working on that specific task.

How do you get it done anyways?

There is a way to get it done even when you don’t feel like it every single time.

The Excuse

There is an excuse that you have for not wanting to do it. But I can guarantee it isn’t true.

Let’s use working out as an example. It is scheduled for you to workout for 30 minutes today but you just don’t feel like it.

You say because your workout yesterday was tough and you’re going to work out tomorrow and you have a busy day that you don’t feel like doing it today.

All of those things are circumstances.

None of them are the reason you don’t want to do it.

It is your thought about those things that is making you not feel like doing it.

What do you think?

What do you think about the task you are going to have to do.

Telling the story that the workout will be hard and will take too long and I just don’t feel like doing it is not going to get you to get up and go workout. It will help you avoid it and stay stagnant.

 Shift the story you are telling.

I can finish the workout I’ve done it before and I have scheduled the 30 minutes I need to do the workout so I might as well do the workout.

Now this isn’t being happy and cheerful about working out. That doesn’t have to be the goal. The goal is to find a thought the creates a feeling that will help you take action.

A thought I use a lot is No one is going to do this for me.

This one doesn’t work for everyone. It can put some people in a victim mindset. It makes me committed and determined to get it done for myself. If, I’m not going to be there for me then who will?

Find a thought you can use that will get you up and get it done.

Why it’s not problem

You can still do things even if you just don’t feel like it.

Many people show up to work even though they don’t feel like it.

Think of something you do that you still do even when you don’t feel like it.

What thoughts do you use to get through that? Can you use them in this circumstance?

I will note that you should pay attention to the wording of your thought. If, using the words I have to or should and anything similar is part of it pay attention to the feeling that you get from it.

You actually probably want to do the thing.

In this moment you don’t feel like it. But you want it done.

You want to workout to achieve your health goals.

You want to go to work to keep an income so you can support yourself or your family.

What is the true why behind that task?

When you find your why you can find the reason you want to do it. Use this in the moments you don’t feel like doing it.

Side Effects of Not doing it

The side effects of not doing are often going to outweigh the discomfort you would feel overcoming and getting that thing done.

What will the rest of your day look like if you don’t do it?

For many people your mind is going to wander back to not working out and can cause negative feelings.

The negative feelings come up when you don’t align with the why you didn’t work out.

A strong why that you think is good enough will prevent that. Just not feeling like it tends not to be one of those.

You lose trust for yourself when you don’t keep your commitments and appointments that you set.

Treat what you schedule for yourself as you would your most important appointments. Equate it to something you wouldn’t even dream of cancelling.

Building that trust and reliance with yourself will spill into other areas of your life.

Stop Letting Your Brain Dictate what your Mind wants

Our brains a pre-programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

Netflix over workouts.

It doesn’t understand that the workout won’t kill you. It’s not a tiger that is chasing you.

You have to take control and tell your brain to relax and that the workout is okay.

Experiencing discomfort, letting it be, and still doing it anyway will make the next situation you don’t feel like doing easier.

Growth comes in the uncomfortable times.

Final Note –

I am indeed calling you out on just not feeling like it.

Why is that task on your schedule? Why do you really not want to do it?

Excuses are stories we tell ourselves and believe to be factual.

In reality they are thoughts that we get to choose to keep or to change.

Even if you don’t feel like it today you can get up and get it done.

This is the exact thing I work through with clients during 1:1 sessions. Email me at to schedule your free consultation to see how I can help you.