Only Put things on Your Calendar that you want to do
Know if something is truly urgent
Declutter Your Space
Make less choices available to you
Final Thoughts –
You will always have options available to you because people like having them. Limit yourself on what those options are. I don’t like to bucket them as rules but rather a way to focus on what you truly want in life.
You really do not have to go have coffee with that coworker if you don’t want to. You do not have to do laundry every night, everyone has enough clothes in their closet for the next day they can make it work. That knick-knack at TJ Maxx is adorable but you don’t need it, it won’t serve you to have it. Mondays are for chicken, don’t even waste your time thinking about pork chops.
The options that are available to us can cause us to constantly shift our focus wasting our energy and complicating things. The four things above can help you simplify your life and stop wasting energy. Everything above can be used today. Start living your simplified life and put your energy to good use.