When you feel stuck it’s like you are on a treadmill when you thought you were going to be running cross country.

You may be doing all of the things you can think of and nothing is changing.

Or you’ve done everything you can think of and don’t know what to do now.

Either way it’s a helpless feeling.

No matter what you are feeling stuck with I am going to give you the way to get unstuck.

How You Get Stuck

Stuck isn’t a destination that you thought you would end up at when you start working towards something or are simply living your life.

So how do you get there?

One thing that contributes to being stuck is not having a clear vision of where you are going. This isn’t the same as having all of the steps being planned out. It means that you know where you want to end up.

This takes tapping into what you truly want in life.

Another way to get stuck is when lack in belief of yourself.

Believing that you can do it and loving yourself enough to do it will keep you moving forward. When those things aren’t there it gets easy to fall into not knowing what to do next.

You don’t have the full trust that you can do it then what motivation do you have to move forward.

The next thing that will keep you stuck is not taking full responsibility.

I whole heartedly believe that the most powerful thing that you can do in your life is to take responsibility for the results that you have in your life.

When you take responsibility for the things that are going wrong it means you can also make it go right.

Otherwise without that responsibility you are powerless to change things.

Things Keeping You Stuck

You may have a better idea of how you got stuck but what is keeping you there once you are there?

I’ll just remind you of the responsibility part. If you don’t take responsibility then you can’t change a thing. That will certainly keep you stuck where you are.

Another thing that will keep you stuck is indulging in I don’t know.

I don’t know is our brains favorite phrase when posed with doing something. Because if you don’t know and you never decide on an action that you don’t do anything.

Your brain sees that as a positive thing as if it is keeping you safe. Switching things up would be a potential danger.

You have to challenge your brain to come up with answers and commit to the decisions you are making.

What will keep you stuck longer is not asking for help.

You may have read to this point and thought none of those things applied to you. Or you aren’t sure which one you are doing.

One of them probably does apply to you. But we are so close to our own lives that it is hard to see what is going on.

Someone outside of you can help show you what you are doing and how your brain is operating. That is what coaches like I do. We help show you what is happening so you can choose to keep doing those things or make new choices.

You could also enlist the help of a friend or family member that you trust.

Even if you know exactly what you need to work on doing that work with the help of someone will get you to your results much faster than if you did it on your own.

How To Get Unstuck

The number one way to get unstuck is to be onto your brain.

Your brain likes to keep you safe which often means it exaggerates or out right lies to you about some things. It has the best of intentions but it isn’t really helping. Kind of like a toddler that is trying to help you clean but really just spreading the mess around even more.

Another great way to get unstuck is to get clear on where you are going.

Create a vision of what you want. You need to know where you are heading. I work with a lot of my clients on really figuring out what that means for them in their life. You can’t just copy and paste someone else’s life. We all have different wants and desires.

Without a vision it is hard to make any moves.

Claim responsibility for everything.

I know I have mentioned responsibility several times. But it really is a game changer.

When you stop passing responsibility onto to other people or things you gain a great awareness and a lot of power to change things. Being able to take this shift into total responsibility will change it all.

Decision making is a skill and a really important one. It is hard to stay stuck when you make a clear decision and take action.

Deciding is the first step to doing. You have to decide that you are going to get unstuck. How you are going to do that will also be a decision. Where you are going is another decision. See how important decision-making is?

Deciding then leads to action. Once you have the decision then you need to take action. This isn’t necessarily knowing everything you will have to do to get where you want to go. It’s knowing the next step forward. Once you take that step the next will start to get clear.

Action builds momentum.

It gets easier to do things the more that you do. I like to think about cleaning my house as an example. It seems really daunting when literally everything needs to be done – the laundry, the dishes, cleaning the bathroom, sweeping and mopping the floor, changing over the bedding, the dusting etc. But once I start and do one and then the next after that the rest doesn’t seem so overwhelming.

I am already in the flow of things at that point. This same concept applies when you are working towards something.

Final Note –

Being stuck isn’t the end of the world. You can absolutely get unstuck you aren’t going to be in the same place forever.

When you uncover what it is that is keeping you stuck you can solve that. Solving that is your most important step. If you don’t get to the route cause then it will surface again down the road.

If you aren’t happy with where you are then you can change it. You have the control in your life. You can make it happen.

I help people who are struggling with exactly this stuff. I offer a free clarity call to help you get started. Remember action builds momentum, book your call here.