Have you ever looked around at your life and just realized that every day is the same? You aren’t doing anything new or advancing to the next level.

In a moment you come to the realization that you are in a rut.

The energy that you used to have to jump into the goals you set is no longer there. Maybe you are feeling stuck or unmotivated. You can see where you want to go but just can’t seem to get yourself to take any steps to get there.

There is this grand idea in your head. You know it will be wonderful and amazing. It is definitely something you want to do.

Yet, you continue on doing the same old thing day in and day out.

Oxford provides a definition for a rut that is so very clear, a habit or pattern of behavior that becomes dull and unproductive but is hard to change.

 Don’t let the hard to change part be daunting to you. It can be done. You can do it. 

Hard things are worth it.

You will know how to get out a rut and do it fast today. 

I am going to give you tips that I have used to get out of a rut fast and start creating the results I wanted in my life. Before I do that, I want you to take a look at how you got in a rut. This will help lead you to your approach of how to get out of a rut.

How did you get here?


How did you even get here?

It may seem as if the rut snuck up on you.

But I can tell you that each result in your life is because of what your mind has created. Even if you think you didn’t consciously make the decision to be in this situation you need to look to your mind.

When you don’t take control of your mind and tell it what to do then you end up in things like a rut. By not consciously making the decision to not be a rut you have made the decision to be in one.

Take a pause here to remember that it is never useful to be hard or mean to yourself. Even though you have created this situation that is okay. Now that you are aware you can address it.


One of the reasons you may not be moving out of your current ways of doing things is because you are regretting not doing something. The regret of missing out on an opportunity or not doing what you wanted is a weight on you.

Regret can keep you from doing more. Yet, the more you don’t do the more regret you have. This is not a pattern that you want to keep.


Or you could not be regretting anything. Rather you are hoping or wishing things will happen or change. Your life is not awful there is nothing major to complain about but it isn’t all that it could be. A hope or a wish will never bring you the results you want.

Waking up each day and saying I hope today is the day things change will almost always mean things will not change.

Hope is not a useful feeling. It will not allow you to get out of a rut.


If, hope and regret are not at fault then you might want to see if comfort is the cause.

One of the biggest reasons people find themselves in a rut is because they want to be comfortable. When you only seek comfort you are not allowing yourself to grow. Growth is going to come from new things, things that may scare you or make you uncomfortable.

Take a step back as if you were an outsider and determine what has led you to being in a rut. Be clear about what has brought you here. If, you don’t get to the source then attempts you make to change may be futile. It is like ripping a weed out of the garden, if you don’t get the roots its going to come back and probably stronger than before. Your cause is like a weed in your mind. Let your mind bloom by ripping it out from the roots.

Are you in too deep?

How long do you think you have been in a rut? A month, a year, five years? 

It may seem daunting to try to get out of a rut if you think you have been in a rut a long time. It may even seem impossible.

How are you possibly supposed to change what you have been doing for years?

Let me tell you, you can do it. I don’t care if it’s been 20 years that you feel like you’ve been in a rut. Put in some work and you can get out of it.

I will even say that the length of time you’ve been in a rut is not important. The way you approach getting out of it is.

Don’t tell me you are too old. Don’t tell me you’ve been doing this for too long. Don’t tell me that this is just the way you are.

I won’t accept it. Because I know that it is not true.

Ruts are considered negative. I don’t think being a in a rut has to be a bad thing. In fact, it shows that you are able to have a pattern of behavior that you are consistent with.

Now you have to just change what those behaviors are.

People will say I want things to change, to move forward, to make progress.

Progress is moving forward to a destination.

So, how do you do that? How do you get out of a rut and see progress in your life?

How to get out of a rut, FAST


Because you are here with me you may have already done the first tip. Decide you are going to get out of the rut. This may seem obvious but, people will acknowledge they are in a rut and stop there.

Knowing you are in a rut is good for awareness but it isn’t going to change anything. Once you decide you are going to get out of a rut is when you can take the action.

I mean really decide. Be firm in your decision and don’t use wavering words like should, maybe, might. You will get out of a rut. Done. Nothing more, no buts, nothing that will give you an escape route.

Avoid Confusion

You are probably thinking you don’t know how to get out of a rut. But, you do. Use the most important tool you have, your brain. Your brain is going to help you out but only if you ask it to.

Stay away from I don’t know, I’m not sure, I can’t do it.

Move towards I can figure this out, I am able to do this, I don’t know now but I can know.

Confusion takes up too much of your energy that you could be putting towards a solution. Don’t waste that brain power and time in un-useful places.

Support yourself

Always be there for yourself. The best way to get in this mindset is to think of what you would say to a close friend or family member.

You certainly wouldn’t be harsh with them or blame them for being in this situation. You would be supportive and helpful and kind. Do that for you.

Be your number one cheerleader. This is not selfish, it is actually the best thing you can do for others around you.

Be comfortable with the uncomfortable

If, you can master being comfortable with the uncomfortable you can do anything with your life. Seriously.

Think of all the things you have avoided doing in your life because it would have brought you discomfort. Where would you be now if you hadn’t? What could you have accomplished? What would be different in your life?

Isn’t it crazy to think about? The great news is you can start now. You can do anything you want to. Lean into the discomfort and see what your world can become.

Not only will this help you get out of a rut but also keep you from ever entering one again.

Achieve instead of Do

You know that to-do list you have, is that giving you results? Probably not.

As a society we DO a lot but what actually is achieved is different. You can be doing things all day but not be achieving anything. Shift from doing to achieving.

The way you will know that you are doing this is with the results you have. If, you aren’t seeing results you need to take a look at what actions you are spending your time on.

Stop thinking about it

The last and final tip I have for you is to stop thinking you are in a rut. Get the thought out of your mind.

Take a moment and say I am in a rut and see what you feel when you say it. That is the energy you are bringing to your life. This is a good way to stay where you are.

To create a new result, you need to create new thoughts. Nothing in your life has to change but what you are thinking about it.

Final Thought 

A rut can seem like a debilitating thing in your life and sometimes it feels like you will never get out of it. I know you can. Use the tips above to make some major changes. Any result you want is within your reach.

Get out of your rut fast and get the life you have always imagined. 

Need a little extra help and want to work with me one on one, go here.