How your thoughts create your feelings and in return create the results that you have in your life.
The world is simpler than we make it.
Your boyfriends actions don’t make us feel loved or not loved.
Your boss can’t make you stressed out.
Mom’s can’t make you feel like a disappointment.
The words someone says can’t make you angry.
Any feeling that you ever have is never created outside of you.
The simple way of the world is that your thoughts create your feelings.
Why it is true
The argument to thoughts create your feelings is that feelings happen automatically as a reaction to something around you. Which may appear true when you first consider the notion. However, real it may seem it is not the truth.
Consider how two different people can do the exact same thing but you will have a different reaction. Your boyfriend drops off flowers to you and you feel loved, appreciated, happy, or admiration. But, a stranger appears and gives you flowers you feel suspicious, uneasy and maybe offended.
The action was the same. The difference is the way you thought of the action.
Why it’s important
When you understand that your thoughts create your feelings and everyone else’s thoughts create their feelings the world begins to make more sense. As our thoughts create our feelings, feeling will drive your actions.
All of the results that you have in your life – where you live, the job you have, the relationship you’re in – are all because of your thoughts. Take a look around you, you have created that with your mind. That may either be wonderful or you may cringe. Either way its great news. It means you get to decide where your life goes from here.
Change your thoughts change your life
You have the power to control the way you think. Thoughts that are not useful can be discarded and replaced with ones that will be.
An important note to make is that you can’t change other people’s thoughts. They have the choice to think and act however they want. No matter how hard you try.
You can change your own. There are steps you can take to figure out what thoughts are creating what you have in your life and how to shift those.
This is exactly what happens in life coaching, schedule your free consult to see if we would be a great fit to work together.
The power of your brain is amazing. It is the most useful tool you have in your life. If, you don’t spend the time tapping into that power you are certain to not live your life to the fullest.
How to get started
A way you can begin being aware of your thoughts is using a thought download.
Set aside a bit of time everyday and write anything that comes to your mind. Don’t place judgement on any of it or try to change the thoughts as they come.
You can focus your thought download on a specific topic. If, there is a struggle in your life or a result you are not getting put that as the focus. It may be starting a relationship – what are thoughts come up when you think about that. Take a peek at the thoughts that come up and how they may be impacting your journey.
The Power is always within
The world around us can feel overwhelming and you may feel that you are a victim of your circumstances. You always have the power inside of you to change what your life. The world around you is always neutral. Not good. Not bad. It just is. The story your mind creates is what truly shapes the world.