Intentional living is the practice of only allowing things into your life that support your idea life. If, something doesn’t support the vision of your ideal life then it doesn’t make it onto your agenda.

The moment that I started making a conscious effort to live intentionally my life started to improve. Years later my life is unrecognizable in the best way possible. It has allowed me to move away from feeling unfulfilled, worn down, and downright miserable.

Living intentionally will not solve every problem in your life. Problems are forever, they will always be there. But my problems come from what I want to be doing.

I am happy to have these problems because on the other side is a life better than I could have ever imagined.

I no longer am at the mercy of whatever happens around me. I take control of the results that I have in my life.

Want to know more about intentional living and its benefits read – What is Intentional Living 

Ready to start living intentionally read – How to live intentionally and 10 Habits of those Living intentionally


11 quotes to motivate you on your intentional living journey 


“An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.”

   John C Maxwell


“You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough.”

    Abraham Lincoln

“The key is not to prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities.”

    Steven Covey

“You can go slow. Allow your dreams and goals to change, but live an intentional life.”       Kumail Nanjian


“The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments.”

  Wayne Dyer

“To the degree we’re not living our dreams; our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves.”

  Peter McWilliams

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”

  Nora Roberts

“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.”   

  Agnes Repplier

 “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”


“Open your arms to change but don’t let go of your values.”

   Dalai Lama

“Never confuse movement with action.”

      Ernest Hemingway

As a reminder of my goals I will put things on the wall, save them as my background, add it to my vision board, or put it anywhere I am going to see often. 

Having a reminder keeps your brain focused. This will increase your likelihood of success.

When you don’t have it visible it is easy to forget or ignore. Use my printable intentional living quotes as a reminder of working towards the life you have always wanted.